Transportation Services
BSI’s automated process control solutions and custom database systems have
been proven to add consistency and efficiency to repetitive operations and
to put more dollars to your bottom line. By automated process control solutions,
we mean adding electronic controls, switches, sensors, timers, etc., to a
process where controls were often manual; and to couple it with a computer
system for interfacing, logging, reporting and invoicing. In the transportation
industry we have two major products, Container Temperature Control Systems, and
Automated Wash Systems.
A database is a collection of data on a computer,
structured for rapid search, retrieval and manipulation. We have created
databases for over 25 years for various industries. As database tools for the
transportation industry there are three varieties: heel management/waste
tracking database, wash procedure product database, and container/trailer
inventory database.
Click on the links below to read more about or
contact us to discuss our transportation services.